[V6-12v] HVAC Removal

Tom Christiansen tomchr at gmail.com
Fri May 1 12:15:34 PDT 2009


On my 1994 90S, all you had to do was to pull the knobs off (gentle prying
with a small screwdriver helps) and that would expose a couple of screws.
Pop those out and change the bulb.

I'd imagine it'd be similar on your A6 - provided that it's the manual
climate control.

~ Tom

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Richard Guzzardi <rguzz at mac.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Have been inattentive to this list for a while but I am back with a
> question: 1996 A6 has dead bulbs in the head unit (HVAC) and I need to
> remove it to access the bulbs.
> I think I know what to do when it's removed.
> What I am looking for is a step by step for removal of this unit. I have no
> Bentley. I do not want to break any trim surrounding the unit itself.
> TIA.
> Richard
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