[V6-12v] Temperature Blinking Icon

Tom Christiansen tomchr at gmail.com
Sun May 9 12:11:47 PDT 2010


If you actually need to drain the coolant, the drainplug is on the rear end
of the engine - accessible from underneath. It's a fairly good sized socket
head bolt with an O-ring on it. Removing the drain plug and opening the
valve on the radiator is the recommended drain method.

~ Tom

On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Casimiro Izquierdo <caig01 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Tom:
> Thank you for the information.  For the life of me, neither my son nor I
> could locate that drain valve.  He took "car tech" in high school and thinks
> he knows everything.  We looked from the top of the car as well as from
> underneath.  I have drained coolant from engines before, but this engine
> just stomped me.  However, we did follow what you said about letting the car
> warm up without the filling cap on, until the fans kicked on.  All this time
> the light was still blinking.  My son took the car for a short drive and the
> light did not blink; I guess it reset.
> So, now I have a car with no heat, but one that I hope works.  Since this
> is a station car, I very much do not care about a/c or heat, it is only a
> half an hour drive and all I want is for the car to last for the next 20
> months.
> Again, thank you very much for your help.
> cai
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Tom Christiansen <tomchr at gmail.com>
> *To:* Casimiro Izquierdo <caig01 at yahoo.com>
> *Cc:* Audi Fans <v6-12v at audifans.com>
> *Sent:* Sat, May 8, 2010 3:14:14 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [V6-12v] Temperature Blinking Icon
> Cai:
> If you didn't bleed the system after bypassing the heater core, you should
> probably do so. First remove the reservoir cap. The bleed screw is located
> in the hard metal line behind the drivers' side head. There's a plug that
> you unscrew with a hex key. Unscrew this 1-2 turns and leave it open until
> coolant comes out. Tighten screw to the specified torque (10 Nm I think,
> might be wrong). Start engine (still with the coolant reservoir cap off) and
> let it run until the fans kick on once. Add coolant to the reservoir as
> necessary. Once the rad fans kick in, fill the reservoir to just below the
> MAX line. That should take care of it.
> The engine is probably fine.
> ~ Tom
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Casimiro Izquierdo <caig01 at yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Guess what?  My wife tells me that the light was blinking all day Friday
>> when she drove to work, and back, 26 miles total.  I had told her to
>> disregard the steam coming inside, so she took this to mean to also
>> disregard the blinking light.  I flled the water container and it has not
>> gone down, but the light still blink.  Could there be air trapped inside,
>> not letting water get to the engine?
>> This motor may be cooked.  It still starts and everything, but  What do
>> you people think.
>> cai
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