[V8] Timing Belt Question for the pros........

Jeff Goldberg jgoldberg at ntelos.net
Sat Dec 6 10:48:41 EST 2003

Hi Gunter,

I had the same experience when I did my timing belt.  The
right side cam was close, but the left side was off by 10
degrees or so.  I spoke to an Audi master tech, well versed
in the V8 and hee told me to "Trust the tools." (meaning the
cam locking plates)  His opinion was that the belt had been
changed by someone not using cam locking plates.  He also
stated that it might be possible for slight changes to occur
from belt stretch.

I moved the cams until the cam locking plates seated easily
and fully and finished the job. That was 20k miles ago.  I
am certainly not a pro, but that's my story and I'm sticking
to it;)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf
> Of Gunter
> Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 2:53 AM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] Timing Belt Question for the pros........
> I am doing a TB on '90Q for the 1st time.....not
> a 5 hour job.  This is a question for the pros at
> doing the TB:
> Upon removing old TB, I lined up crank TDC
> proper.  Dist. rotors both pointing toward
> notches.  Removed distributors and attempted to
> secure locating flange whose pins were both
> sitting nicely, EXCEPT that the dist. mounting
> bolts could not be secured because both flanges
> were approx. 10 deg. off.........I moved the
> crank CW (facing engine) about 10 degrees and
> presto...........the bolts on the distributors went in.
> Does this discrepancy mean that the timing as it
> was originally set up was wrong?  Car was running well.
> I'm not sure what to think...........I thought
> that the cams had to be locked in to 0 degrees
> when the crank was at TDC as well   Could this
> car have run reasonably with such as a discrepancy?
> I plan on setting up the TB so that the crank is
> at TIC and the flanges (3199) are sitting snug
> and secure using the dist. mounting bolts AND the
> holes provided on the flanges and dist. housing.
> Great service this V8 list serve
> provides....................
> Gunter 1990 V8 Q 140 000miles
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