[V8] Re: Steak Knife Method

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Fri Dec 12 10:17:12 EST 2003

 Yep, I cut the 93's tranny tunnel... I could have done a cleaner job, more 
in line with what the factory would have done, but that would have added about 
30 hours to the job for no other reason than to make a completely unseen area 
of the car look closer to original. I think the arguement on the blower is 
slightly different. Cutting the duct isn't required  and really doesn't make the 
job go faster, but......

 I see the other side of the arguement too. If it was my first blower swap 
and I was freezing my hiney off I doubt I would be spending the time to study 
exactly how to get  that duct off without cutting it. Especially knowing its a 
simple piece of plastic tube that I can always go back and replace when its 
warmer. Yeah I know everyone and their brother has posted a description of the 
right way but its a lot different reading about something than it is doing it 
the first time, outside, in the cold. Its not a safety item and its not 
hard/expensive to correct later.

 One comparision between my cutting of the tranny tunnel and cutting the 
blower duct..... Tape used to repair the duct will fail eventually, my 12ga 
galvanized steel panels and seam welds will last as long as the car. =0)

 Jason, I don't think you need to defend anything, you're they guy who 
rebuilt a V8 tranny in your driveway. I think I'll give you the benefit of the doubt 
that you can figure out when doing something the "wrong" way is acceptable.


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