[V8] RE general poor running (code reading woes)

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Tue Dec 16 20:55:27 EST 2003

In a message dated 12/16/03 7:27:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Ryandfreise at aol.com writes:

> This reminds me of when I got mine, as soon as I plugged in the LED it 
> would 
> light up (key on or off) and stay on. Long story short it was traced to an 
> incorrect fuel pump relay. Mine showed that is was in limp mode (I know this 
> doesn't apply to you) but may be useful to someone in the future. 

 Now that you mention it.... A few months ago I was t/s a no start condition 
on a 90 V8 and I couldn't pull any codes or blink out anything. I traced it to 
a defective fuel pump relay.


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