[V8] re: gaskets

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Mon Dec 22 13:04:12 EST 2003

Actually, as we speak, we are about ready to "undress" the front of the
engine. Even with a borescope, it is impossible to rule in, OR rule out the
head gasket or anything else withough taking some stuff off.

We actually don't think it really IS the headgasket.  This all began by
thinking that it was the gasket for the housing that holds the oil filter.
But removing that and regasketing, didn't fix anything, and in fact, to my
surprise, it appears that this piece was off the engine at some point in the
60k miles before me.

Right now, the leak is for sure above the oil filter housing, and it could
be valve covers, head gasket, and even possibly, I suppose one of the
gazillion other gaskets available for failure, like camshafts or something.

Stay tuned...this should prove, ah, interesting.


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