[V8] Re: V8 suddenly running like a coffee grinder above 1700 rpm

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Sat Dec 27 08:47:59 EST 2003

True, but usually, while it's down on power, it would be just that-down on
power.  I believe Fedor's problem is a bit more involved, since it's
misfiring and losing power.  Won't get no misfiring with retarded ignition
alone.  Drove mom's "new" v8 this past summer from Kahlifohnia to Colorado
with a knock sensor that was grounding out (much of it's shielding was
cracked or missing in key areas).  Power was down, but the car was still
quite driveable (don't know nothin 'bout no Audi doin no 135 mph by
Vegas...).  Power was certainly better after insulating the knock sensor


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent McLean" <kentmclean at mindspring.com>
To: "Ingo D. Rautenberg" <ingo at waratap.com>; <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: V8 suddenly running like a coffee grinder above 1700 rpm

> Ingo D. Rautenberg wrote:
> > Sorry, Kent, but the ECU automatically retards timing when one unplugs
> one
> > or both knock sensors...BTTT (Been there tried that)
> I think that's where I was headed. What does it do it
> the KS is shorted out, i.e. if the wires to the sensor
> are connected?  If a KS is cracked, and shorted out, it
> might (would?) cause the ECU to retard the timing,
> causing poor running above 1700 rpm.  At least, that's
> my guess.
> Kent

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