[V8] Q Re Voltage & Alternator

Michael Larosa Jr Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Wed Dec 31 08:11:21 EST 2003

Hi Richard,

Where did ya take the measurement from ?  if it wasn't directly from the
alternator, then check it there before you start replacing stuff :)

It's not uncommon on a type 44 audi to lose voltage thru corrosion by the
time you get to the battery in the back seat...


RichardMor at aol.com wrote:
> My alternator voltage output is right around 13.0 volts at all RPM's.  It's
> not enough
> to keep the battery charged fully, but after a few days, looses enough charge
> to not
> start the car.  Anyone ever experience this problem?  I'd think if my
> alternator brushes
> were worn I'd see a fluctuation in voltage with RPM.  Could this be a symptom
> of a
> defective regulator?  Would appreciate any feedback.
> Thanks,
> Richard Morris
> Renton, WA
> 90 V8 Auto Dk Blue/Dk Blue
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