[V8] Power Steering pump / Hydraulic hoses question

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Sun Nov 23 12:34:57 EST 2003

At 11:09 PM -0500 11/22/03, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>Before you purchase a tank and/or hose, try removing the nonadjustable
>bands that hold the hoses onto the tank nipples and replacing them with
>hose clamps you can tighten down better.  The hoses tend to shrink with age
>and the OEM bands then allow them to leak.

I assume Karl was refering to the large hose that returns fluid to 
the pump? I agree with Kneale's advice--as the first course of action 
to solve that problem. However it's possible that the end of the old 
hose (underneath the clamp) is quite hardened with age, so clamp 
tightening might not help. If so, you may need to trim the hose back 
an inch or so (to the extent possible) in order to reach an area with 
more compressibility. Finally, many have had success "rebuilding" 
this hose at a good hydraulic shop, where they can crimp your old 
banjo fitting to a new length of rubber hose. However, when I did 
this I ended up paying very nearly the discount price of an Audi oem 
replacement hose, so if rebuilding the hose--get a guaranteed price 
(rather than an hourly rate).


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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