[V8] What now!

Steve Kramer skramer at mac.com
Tue Nov 25 14:33:27 EST 2003

I think Audi's need negative reinforcement :-)  I know anytime I say my car
is running great - it's back in the shop the following week.

Audi Craftsmanship
Quattro all wheel drive
V8 power
Spending 2- 3k a year on maintenance (through a mechanic)

Priceless !!!!!!

Steve Kramer
1990 V8q
Audi owner since 1998 and masochist

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Korn, Bob" <Bob.Korn at Fike.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Cc: "'Dan Hamren'" <dan at magnitude-electronics.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: RE: [V8] What now!

> I swear these cars can read this list.  Mine has run great until the list
> came back up and the stalling stream started, now mine is starting the
> after hot start thing!
> Yes, 2 coils.  I have a spare used one if interested.  I gave $75 for it.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Hamren [mailto:dan at magnitude-electronics.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:06 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] What now!
> Ok on the day that I get my wagon back with a new engine the V8 decides to
> act up in a big way.  In the morning my wife tried to start the car and
> she got was sputtering and black smoke.  I got a chance to try it a bit
> later and got no smoke but I did get sputtering and the smell of gas.
> last night I cranked it and got absolutely nothing.  In fact it sounded
> the engine was dead, but I have a feeling that I have oil in the
> cap, or the wires are dust ( unlikely ), I am pretty sure its an ignition
> problem.  I think that when the engine was sputtering it was only getting
> spark to half the engine, and now I am not getting spark to anything.  Are
> there 2 coils on this car? I think that is the likely culprit, because I
> replaced the rotors and cap less than 10k ago.  FPR has been done
> Hmmm I know I haven't touched the fuel filter.. maybe that..  I pulled the
> codes and got Speed sensor which I replaced 6 weeks ago.  I knew I was in
> trouble when I said that the car has been running good.  I knew it was a
> matter of time, and not much time at that, before something was going to
> wrong.
> Along with that my wife left the doors unlocked and the radio was taken.
> broken windows, in fact the connector and wires are still in tact, so
> is another thing to deal with.  Did I mention that I just got the A6 back
> from the shop?  My attempt at an engine replacement proved beyond my
> $3,500 bucks later. Ouch! On the positive side.. New tranny fluid/filter,
> boots, and a used engine that the junk yard said had 68k on it looked
> new inside!  I figure the engine had been recently been put in the car
> before it was wrecked.  It purrs and spins so freely it must be new.
> Sometimes I wonder why I am an Audi guy.. ohh yeah , because if I was a
> BuMmerW guy it would have been $6,500 !!!
> 96 A6
> 90 V6
> 03 Nali
> Dan Hamren Sales Representative
> Magnitude Electronics LLC
> T 650-259-1890 F 650-259-1891
> www.magnitude-electronics.com
> AOL IM  HamrenDan
> MSM IM  Dan at magnitude-electronics.com
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