[V8] Suspension

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Wed Nov 26 09:05:35 EST 2003

I BELIEVE I still have the part Nos.  I think it's the same as used for C4
(2nd generation 100/UrS4/S6) chassis cars (i.e. 1529.140).

Lemme see...still have the box with the stock springs in it...YUP! 1529.140

That's what I had in my old v8.  Felt pretty good, Ed, didn't it?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Korn, Bob" <Bob.Korn at Fike.com>
To: "V8 Audi Fans" <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: [V8] Suspension

> Are any of the aftermarket springs still available for the V8?  I thought
> one made them any longer.
> Bob

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