[V8] Politcal Correctness gone wild

michael.a.flynn at us.army.mil michael.a.flynn at us.army.mil
Thu Nov 27 14:22:32 EST 2003

Keith and Ingo, you have only scratched the surface. Where does it end? I dont think it will as long as it can be used against the people who have too much to lose by saying how they really feel and pander to the people who have a lot to gain. It has even infected the military.(1 part soldier, 3 parts politician)If you want to stay in and get anywhere.
Speaking of scratching the surface, I am looking for some BTDT on paint work. I have a spot on the hood about 2" where the clear coat is shot and a 1/2 inch spot on the trunk. A few stray scratches here and there. I went to a local shop, the guy looked at it and said "a old black Audi" and made a face like I just farted or something. I cant put a lot more money into good old V8. But should I consider painting the car vs. having the spots painted? Never been in that market, what kind of expenses should I be looking at. The place or 2 I have been have given me estimates allmost as much as the car is worth. Something is not right, 3 grand to shoot a car? What are your thoughts? Roger? Thanks and Happy Thabnksgiving to all.

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