[V8] Competition wiring harness

jpb3 jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net
Thu Nov 27 21:16:37 EST 2003

Hello all,
I have been off list for quite some time now and have rejoined with new
name.  I have a 90 black V8 that is mechanically sound but the body shows 14
yrs of age.  Anyways, I have heard much about the comp wiring harness in the
past and would like to know if someone would like to refresh my memory as to
why it is such a good idea to do and where I can get one of these harnesses.
( I think I remember Keith being a fan of this product?)  I am considering
doing this at the same time as installing Euro lamps.

 BTW, I started a new job in May and bought a 2001 GMC Sierra C3 which is
AWD and has a 6.0L V8.  I have put 25K miles on it and can honestly say that
the V8 is a much more enjoyable ride, funny that a 14 yr old car can still
instill passion for the marquee.  It's good to be back!  The V8 needs a full
service(timing and ignition) plus exhaust and paint but I still can't let
the bitch go!!

john burns

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