[V8] V8 Engine Motronic Management

Shawn Head s4qtro at bellsouth.net
Mon Apr 5 23:06:55 EDT 2004

The s4 V8 is definitely here.  But my question was about the fact that
the title said "The Audi S4 and the 4.2 V8"  however, the description of
the product on ebay described the '92 plus 4.2.
-----Original Message-----
From: S_Matus [mailto:scott_matus at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 7:17 PM
To: Shawn Head; V8
Subject: RE: [V8] V8 Engine Motronic Management
I thought that the S4 V8 did not arrive (at least Stateside) until this
year!  Was the V8 S4 available in europe earlier than the US Models?
That is what has me interested in the manual.

Shawn Head <s4qtro at bellsouth.net> wrote:
Wait, how can that be the same motronic manual for the new s4 and the
4.2 V8 for the '92+ V8 quattros? Did they not change the engine
management in with all the advancements in electronics technology over
the past 8 years???

Or is that manual just for the new S4's V8 engine?

Shawn head

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces+s4qtro=bellsouth.net at audifans.com
[mailto:v8-bounces+s4qtro=bellsouth.net at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 5:28 PM
To: V8
Subject: [V8] V8 Engine Motronic Management

Someone with the E-bay id "93quattrov8" won an Audi Maintenance Manual
this past weekend. I'm interested in seeing the content of this manual.
Does anyone know who this is that won it?


Does anyone have a copy of the manual that would be willing to share the

Scott Matus
2 - '90 V8s

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