[V8] Here With John Devecka

Campozano, Robert RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net
Wed Apr 21 12:19:19 EDT 2004

Hey List,
Just wanted to say that John made the trip out to LV for a convention
but didn't bring his tools (although he says they wouldn't help anyway).
He did say, however, you might be available during your honeymoon Alan
Kramer? ;-).  All jokes aside, he is hanging out at work with me and has
provided me with a nice little tool he put together.  Thanks!  I knew
those Bellagio playing cards would work to my advantage.  Well guys, and
ladies, who's next???  My TB *Needs* to be done...anyone still looking
for a couple free nights???  Let me know.
Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
Tel:  702-891-7626 | rcampozano at MGMMirage.net

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