[V8] starter going?

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 08:19:40 EDT 2004

  No it isn't the starter off of a 5k - I had this same problem - or so it
seems.  Mine would spin for ever and ever then finally it would catch -
you could hear the starter turn but not the motor - I finally determined
that the Bendix was bad and went to searching for one - to no avail.  I
even tried one off of a 1.8 vw motor, which looked Identical, but isn't
because on that car the starter is on the transmission side of the motor
and on the v8 it is on the motor side and that means that it rotates
opposite, and therefore is a mirror image of the v8 bendix - it will not
work, period.  I couldn't find one anywhere, and I didn't want to buy a
new starter because other than the bendix everything else looked so good,
so I took the bendix off (pain) cut the band around it off, removed the
clutch dogs and ground the inner part of the pinion down a little,
replaced the clutch dogs with new 1/4in. drill rod (hardened), held the
band on with a hose clamp, then welded it back (very lightly as to not
melt the plastic inside).  Saved $180 - and it went from not starting at
all to never skipping a beat in 10K mi!   

                                  Good Luck,

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