[V8] Re: V8 smog blues

Charles Wurts cwurts12 at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 22 09:23:23 EDT 2004

I can report the same experience.  With replacement cats, not exactly 
new;-), my car was almost immaculate.  I can also add that a year 
later, the emission scores are half way back to failing.  This I am 
almost certain is a result of a broken distributor;  I drove the car 
for about 12 miles on four cylinders (another long story).  Now at 
least one of the cats is rattling, like the last set, and the emissions 
are increasing.  I suspect that any time these machines are running 
rich that they will consume their cats pretty quickly.

In Steve's case, it is worth noting that his car passed at idle which 
is where the V8 generally is challenged, so it might be something else. 
  I would guess that his tune up approach might reap rewards without the 
expense of cats.  BTW, has anyone out there tried the cheap generic 
replacement cats which are a lot smaller than OEM?  I'd be interested 
to know how they hold up.

On Apr 21, 2004, at 12:22 PM, mrv8q at netscape.net wrote:

>  Hello, Steve, from experience I can tell you I had the exact problem 
> on mine; (and nearly the same smog test numbers!) My mechanic Mike 
> Rooney suggested a quick spark plug change; the results were worse! He 
> put on  rebuilt cats, and it passed all parameters very easily!...FWIW 
>   Kevin

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