[V8] Re: V8 motor mounts?

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Sat Apr 24 00:06:59 EDT 2004

That front mount is called a "torque stop". If it is broken you almost 
certainly need new motor mounts. Was the new part too short when you 
installed it? That would indicate collapsed motor mounts.

I changed my motor mounts but left the tranny mounts alone. Seems to be 
(and I used genuine OEM parts - not some cheap knock off :-)


On Friday, April 23, 2004, at 08:57 PM, Ron Wainwright wrote:

>  In my friends case the front mount was broke (near
> alternator) on top,
>  so after replacing it there was a vibration under our
> feet in the car & after BTDT with Audi's for a while
> now I surmised that the mounts were toast cause of the
> engine leaning back slightly for at least a year. &
> sure enough after getting under the car to take a look
> the mounts had collapsed.
>  But I would think that a good rule of thumb is that
> 100k is a good time to really take a look at the car &
> do some preventive maintenance.
>  I also told him he might want to do the tranny mounts
> as well, but well see.
>  Hope this helps.
> Thanks
> Ron
> 87 5ksq many mods
> 90 200tqa many mods
> 90 V8 pearl 89k S4 17's, Stebro exhaust, "Big Reds"
> --- Lou Fols <louisfols at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> What is system of bad mounts? I get a thump
>> sometimes but I though it was subframe mounts.
>> Thanks
>> Lou
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