[V8] early alternator diagnosis

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Thu Apr 29 16:17:20 EDT 2004

Driving along last night (on the way to the hospital of all places) when the battery light comes on in the early warning display.  Few miles later the anti-lock light comes on.  Lights start getting dim, power steering gets heavy.  Lady with a baby in the right seat, so I just pushed on.  As expected, it wouldn't start after shutting it off.

Two hours later, it started back up, but still with barely any voltage (30-second windows, e.g.).  Made it the five miles back home thankfully.

Gotta figure the alt stopped charging.  I just moved a couple weeks ago, and my manual (and computer) are still packed away, so I'm going in blind.  Does anyone have any must-know BTDTs on the alternator R&R?


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