[V8] early alternator diagnosis

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Apr 29 20:04:55 EDT 2004

At 02:27 PM 4/29/2004 -0700, dsaad at icehouse.net wrote:
> If you have winding 
>problems, you probably just want to buy a remanufactured unit. Neither of 
>is a common problem.

It's probably accurate that V8 alternators, protected by the belly pan,
don't have the same winding problems as the rest of Audi's models with the
alternator hanging down there for every puddle,slush pile to splash onto
it.   The Bosch certified shop that rebuilt my 200q20v's alternator showed
me my broken winding wires that had welded themselves to the case because
they'd get wet frequently.    Their overhaul was still cheaper than buying
a rebuilt, and who knows how the rebuilt was put together????

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