[V8] Hydraulic hose from Reservoir to PS pump

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Aug 6 21:16:46 EDT 2004

Audi recommends replacing the seals.  I've reused them on both my '91 200
and the V8.  Twice on the latter.  That is, changed pumps twice without
replacing the seals.  No leaks.  Next time out, however, I'll replace
because I now have a supply.

At 06:47 PM 8/6/2004 +0000, bob moy wrote:
>So I decided to replace my leaking hose from the hydraulic reservoir to the 
>PS pump.  I got the new hose yesterday and notice that the banjo ends have 
>what appears to be o-rings.  I didn't get any new o-rings, so does anyone 
>know what size these are or should I just try to match them at the local 
>home depot?  The other alternative is to reuse the old o-rings presently on 
>the car.
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