[V8] Re: How did you make out? - Hurricane Charley update

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Sun Aug 15 14:45:56 EDT 2004

We survived. I just got power back as of 2:30pm Sunday. It went out 
Friday night about 10:00 pm.
We lost about 15 shingles, and most of the panels in the screened 
enclosure. Most of our fences are down. The driveway, yard, etc looked 
like tossed salad. I had split up the cars so if a tree fell it wouldn't 
take both of them out. The neighbor's tree fell across the end of the 
driveway - main trunk missed the TDI by 2 feet. The back 3 feet of the 
car was enveloped by the branches. I drove it out - very minor scratches 
the only damage. V8q is fine. We spent Saturday cutting up trees - just 
to be able to get out. Every neighbor lost at least one tree. 90% of 
Orlando had power out last night. Literally HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of 
trees down. Roofs gone, cars crushed. We never lost land-lines or water. 
That certainly helped!

michael.a.flynn at us.army.mil wrote:

>Dave, you may not be able to get this at home but I just wanted to see if you and Shawn and Starr and your birds are ok. I am supposed to be leaving for Fort Leonard Wood tomorrow. Will be back after Labor Day. Shoot me an email when your up and running, Mike

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