[V8] Accelerator cables

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Aug 26 13:49:48 EDT 2004

Al Allen <alallen at pacbell.net> writes:

> acrid smoke!  Fortunately these cars were actually equipped with a 
> "hand throttle," an early form of cruise control, so you could 
> continue to your destination if the aircraft cable actually broke 
> (it does) the link between engine and chassis. 

The Fiats of the era also had the "hand throttle", what it was REALLY for
was to tweak the idle up to keep engine running, depending on the problem
of the day.  On the Fiats I think most owners used it to hold the
throttle open for launching the car off of docks, cliffs and into old
rock quarries.  BTDT-statute of limitation expired long ago ;-p


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