[V8] Seat heater relays

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 20 16:06:49 EST 2004

Suddenly it got cold here in Flori-duh, and I turned on the *wonderful* 
seat heater . . . and got a clicka-clicka-clicka noise from the seat heater 
relay (which on this car is under the passenger footwell). Seat gets hot, 
but not predictably.

Is this noise normal or do I need to remove the relay, open it, and look 
for cold solder joints?

I doubt the noise is normal - it would be very out of character for this car.

(Never had working seat heaters on my 5000, so no reference . . .)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
(Audi V8 . . . it isn't just a car, it's an ADVENTURE!)  

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