[V8] No Audi Content -Q for electronics gurus
Michael Larosa Jr
Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Wed Dec 22 11:36:51 EST 2004
ingo have you done ubiquitious google search ? i found a 15 year old
pool heater controller this way :)
you got model numbers ?
Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
> Sorry about the NAC, but I don't know where to find more knowledgeable guys ;-)
> Recently, I had the Step down transformer on our 20 year old GE Magnetic Induction Range go bad -- and can you believe, they don't have that part anymore and neither do any of the distributors I've contacted (nor is a replacement available). :-( Reminds me of the Urq ;-)
> So I need some advice. This is a step down transformer for the touchpad circuit board, which in turn controls the heating elements. Quite ingenious, really, in that it steps down from 240v to 5 leads, which pair up to do the following:
> 2 55-volt circuits and one 13 volt one. Well, one of the 55-volts is apparently out. Maybe I could tap into the one from the other good one?
> Makeshift diagram:
> ____________ +
> blk_____||___55v_____ground
> ||___55v_____ +
> 240v ||___________
> wht____||
> ||__13v_______
> I appreciate any ideas. There is room for multiple transformers. The original one is only about 2" x 2"
> Feel free to respond off list, as I'm sure this wouldn't be interesting reading for most.
> Ingo
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_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Mike LaRosa
_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ TSE - HAS
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Email:mc.larosa at sun.com
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