[V8] Brake Master Cylinder

mharstad at mwt.net mharstad at mwt.net
Fri Dec 10 14:31:33 EST 2004

I am new to this site.  I have read and learned much from the archives. I 
currently have a 1990 V8 and a 1991 20 valve quatto. 

I let my daughter use the V8 for a couple of days, she called last night and 
said that the car did not have any brakes.  

I looked it over and saw that there were no leaks and the resivor was full. 
The break pedal will go to the floor with little resistance, there is some 
stopping power, however not much.  I have had this problem with several 5K 
quattros in the past.

They have all responded well after I replaced the master cylinder.  

I am new to the V8 and am questioning if there is somthing else to check.

I would apreciate any responses.


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