[V8] Door locks
Michael Larosa Jr
Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Fri Feb 6 13:30:49 EST 2004
"Coleman, David" wrote:
> Ed and I have been discussing our V8's power unlock mechanism.
> Specifically, my car unlocks only the driver's door with a quick twist of the key, and will unlock all remaining locks if I twist and hold for a moment or two. But other '91s don't have the driver's-only capability -- the only option is to hold the key for all locks open.
I'm thinking because the mechanical white metal collar is broken :)
The secondary vacuum mechanism is unlocking everything....
I'm 90% certain i'm correct... :)
> Mine is a later model '91 (April '91?) and the VIN ends in 2319. There is a definite sense of cylinder action happening, while on both Ed's and my friend's earlier (12/90) '91 model that don't have the quick-twist function, the key action is more vague.
> Are these malfunctions, or is this a feature that found its way into later models?
> -DaveC.
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_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Mike LaRosa
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