[V8] Re: V8Q doors on a 1990 200TQA?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Feb 7 22:03:36 EST 2004

Now you guys have me going in first thing Monday morning and discussing
what$$$ involved in swapping over the V8Q rear doors, fender flares, hood
and other bits over to the Avant.  WTF, I worked my way through college,
#1 son can get by without his whole college fund.  So far it's been
bakery school anyway....a one year loaf on daddies dough ;-)


On Sat, 7 Feb 2004 17:30:47 -0500 "Shawn Head" <s4qtro at bellsouth.net>
> Oh crap, the flood gates are open again...

> Cobram wrote:
> > My question, will the doors from the V8Q fit the 1990 
> > 200TQ Avant???  
> I don't know, but if I've been reading the V8 list correctly,
> the TQA's transmission will fit the V8.  And 5-speed
> V8s are rare.  :-)
> Kent

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