[V8] re:  winter "performance" tires

jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net jpb3wvu at frontiernet.net
Wed Feb 11 10:23:29 EST 2004

Throw a 2 ton sedan into a corner at speed, even legal speeds, and you
will feel a difference between an "H" rated tire and a "Z" rated tire.
I had "H" tires on the car when I bought it, switched to a "Z" tire
(Bridgestone) as soon as $$ would allow and was much happier.  It's all
about sidewall stiffness.  Cars suspensions are "tuned" with a certain
rated tire in mind, there is a reason for this beyond top speed
stability.  Stay with the appropriate rated tire the manufacture
recommends.  Just my 2 cents.

john burns

Quoting BBlake1055 at aol.com:

> I've been running Michelins from the Price Club (Costco)for the past
> 10 years on all 3 of my V8's.  The last time I went there they told
> me they could not put "H" rated tires on the car because some idiot
> sued them when he got into an accident at over 100 mph and blamed the
> Price Club for putting on "H" rated tires instead of "V" rated.  From
> what I understand the tires had absolutely nothing to do with the
> accident.
> I now have "V" rated tires that were +-30% more $$$$$ and get 30%
> less life!!!  Oh well - only in America.
> Bob Blake
> 90 V8
> 91 V8
> 92 V8
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