[V8] Kuhmos

scott.olson at nokia.com scott.olson at nokia.com
Thu Feb 12 11:54:11 EST 2004

I second that, 
I have 245/45 -17 Kuhmo ECSTA 712's and run 40pounds front, 38 rear. Awesome tire, overall for the non snow areas of the country.
I have normal wear patterns, but when the pressures dip in this cold weather after a few weeks of driving, to about 36 or 37, I do notice the tramlining.  I just pump them back up and it goes away. 

 Case study: 1990 Audi V8.  245/40-18 Kumho ECSTA 712's. 

 At Audi's recommended 36psi the tires were visibly bowed on the front. Tire 
wear patterns showed definate underinflation wear on outer edges. Ride was 
horrible, steering response significantly slow and vague, tramlining prominant.

 At Kumho's recommended 40-44 psi on the front only, steering response 
drastically improved, wear pattern was consistant across thread face, ride mush was 
gone, tramlining nearly disappeared.

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