[V8] 51k miles on a '91 5 Speed?

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Sat Feb 21 06:49:55 EST 2004

For HOW much?

Well, ok.  If you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to "row your boat", then this
is the car to buy.

I read the write up. Very nice blurb.  But all it was was propoganda.  NONE
of the essential information was there.

If the ad had said that it was a one owner car, AND copies of EVERY work
order ever written on the car; that the second timing belt had been done in
such-and-such a month; AND that oil changes had been done by the book and
could be documented.....

....then I might fly to the left coast to buy it.

But a '91 V8 with only 51,000 miles on it, has sat still for a lot of its
life.  It should be on its third timing belt just due to age at this point,
and the oil should have been changed twice a year, whether it needed it or
not.  Failing some sort of documentation to prove the miles and the
maintenance history, I shudder to think of all the little rubber gizzies in
this car that are ready to allow the contents of their little gizzie
connectors to spew forth onto the garage floor....or worse, the freeway.

Still and all, IF I wanted to "row my boat", I would be a buyer for this car
at around $9 grand if it was the real deal....and even if the service
records weren't perfect.

But I would have to be REAL sure that the miles were real, and that it had
never been "kissed".


P.S.  By the time I get my '91 200 20Valve Avant back on the road, I will
have less than eight grand in it, with a total refinish and running 100%
ready for the next 100,000 miles. Can't be sure right now, but with the chip
that is already in that car, and the new UFO's that will stop you fast
enough to separate you from your fillings, I think the 20V Avant is a better
vehicle for the bucks.  (At least for MY bucks.  Besides, I still have my
'93 4.2 litre V8, which may run again any day now....).

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