[V8] 51k miles on a '91 5 Speed?

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Sun Feb 22 17:02:37 EST 2004

... not too long after I purchased my 5-speed and got it back home I got
together with a couple buddies who had 91 200qs ... one sedan and one Avant
... one of them chipped (don't remember which one).  When I was done I was
satisfied that I had the car I would prefer putting MY bucks into ...

Steve B
San Jose, Kaleefohnia (USA)
> P.S.  By the time I get my '91 200 20Valve Avant back on the 
> road, I will
> have less than eight grand in it, with a total refinish and 
> running 100%
> ready for the next 100,000 miles. Can't be sure right now, 
> but with the chip
> that is already in that car, and the new UFO's that will stop you fast
> enough to separate you from your fillings, I think the 20V 
> Avant is a better
> vehicle for the bucks.  (At least for MY bucks.  Besides, I 
> still have my
> '93 4.2 litre V8, which may run again any day now....).

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