[V8] Part Substitutions

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 23 11:35:35 EST 2004

Kyle -
Help us out for future reference how a beast owner can take advantage of the $ savings that you discovered by sourcing the ABS Wheel Sensor from a freightliner part. Audi wants $300+ for the part.
This is an interesting exercise that I think ALL on the list should participate in.
We should post a thread about everyone's second source for an Audi part that realizes savings.  I know of many parts that do not need to be Audi parts.
For instance:
-  Napa heater hose substitutes for the rear crankcase vent hose.
-  The steering damper from a VW Fox.
-  Napa part for the Injector nozzls rebuild ( Ed Kellock ).
-  Ford OX Sensor substitution.
I'm sure many others have used non-Audi parts on your car at savings.  And the reason for the list? Is to make the ownership of Audi's first V8 powered car pleasurable. (and affordable)
Please share your part substitutions (detailed w/ part numbers and source for the part)
Scott Matus
2 '90 V8s

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 08:14:00 -0500
From: "kyle leatherwood" <kyle_leatherwood at hotmail.com>
Subject: [V8] ABS problem fixed! (finally)
To: v8 at audifans.com, quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: <BAY12-F75vzkc3hl12w00006998 at hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Well,  my ABS problems got fixed over the weekend.  My problem was an ABS 
warning light on all of the time.  Well, to begin I ohm'ed out all four 
wheel sensors.  Ah ha! I found one sensor that the ohm reading on was so 
erratic it was impossible to get a constant reading.  Well, in my tracing 
down the system I realized that it is a WABCO ABS system on it, which is the 
same system that Freightliner trucks (the dealership where I work) use.  In 
a search through the ABS sensors for the A series WABCO ABS system that we 
have on the shelf, I found one with the same plug.  A quick ohm check proved 
my thought, it is the same ABS sensor.  $32.00 later I had a new sensor.  
However, the sensor didn't fix the problem.  My las thought was to check all 
of the ABS relays in the system.  Both relays onder the hood checked fine, 
but then I ran across the one under the passenger floorboard cover.  Voila!  
This relay has a 10 amp fuse in the top of it and the fuse is blown.  My 
guess is that the bad wheel sensor blew the fuse.  A new fuse and ABS sensor 
on and now the ABS system works like a dream again.  Thanks for everyone's 
thoughts and help.


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