[V8] AutoTrader V8 5-Speed w/ 56K Miles

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Tue Feb 24 08:37:22 EST 2004

That pearl is an extremely difficult color to match.  I wish it were an R-title w/ an odo rollback so I wouldn't be losing sleep over not owning it, but it seems more likely it's had some minor front end paint work that looks great from several different angles.

Of course Carfax is a must.  But figuring the seller would probably take $10k cash, that's practically grand theft.  And it'd be a great drive home.

'91 5-speed w/ 200+k miles, worth $10k to me...

> >Ridicously low mileage....  questionable front end paint...
> >
> >Wonder how long it sat in a boneyard totaled before someone 
> decided to fix it...

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