[V8] Throttle stuck open!!

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Sun Feb 29 17:53:57 EST 2004

What, huh?  I sometimes use the cruise control on my 3-mile "commute" to/from work.  ;-)

Colorado Springs ... where a 3-mile "commute" can take 30 minutes, which of course would not be when I use the cruise control.

From: cobram at juno.com
Date: 2004/02/29 Sun PM 01:22:13 MST
To: DieMarthaDie at aol.com
CC: V8 at www.audifans.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Throttle stuck open!!

Corrosion, binding or critters, either way, remove the air intake
housing, the air filter, remove the two (I think they're 10mm) bolts that
hold the air filter box in, remove that, pull up on the black spark plug
wire harness (it has clips underneath on both ends) and move it out of
the way.  Under that there will be a plate held in with three torx screws
(I think they're T25's), remove that.  Then you'll be able to get a good
look at the cable, spring, accelerator and look for any physical binding,
nests etc.  If clear,  spray the area with lots of your favorite lube,
cycle throttle back and forth and it should take care of the problem.  

If it is the cruise control linkage, just remove the damn thing.  I can
count on the fingers of one hand how many times I've used the cruise
control.  I had the thing bind on V8Q #2 while #1 son was driving it on
the highway, luckily he just killed it and pulled over.  I went out to
assist, and there's nothing more fun than popping off that damn CC rod on
a 100 degree day with a hot engine.  The recall had been done, but
evidently when the transmission was later changed they must have
forgotten to disconnect it and bent the rod and actuator holder a bit.  


DieMarthaDie at aol.com writes:

> But... I tapped the throttle and it swung up to redline and stuck!  
> Pulling  back on the pedal made no difference so I shut it down. 
> with the pedal  a bit and started it again - right up to redline again.

> It's been sitting for a couple of months waiting to get the roters 
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