[V8] Re: V8 Digest, Vol 4, Issue 51
frickjp at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 29 21:09:19 EST 2004
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 04:30:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [V8] Stebro exhaust intalled 1st impressions
To: v8 at audifans.com
<20040229123009.27521.qmail at web60804.mail.yahoo.com>
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I bought a Stebro exhaust & got a chance to install
it yesterday,
my 1st impressions is that I don't like it. It's
rather weird sounding sounds like I have an exhaust
maybe I need to re tighten the clamps again but I
tightend them up good.
Well I'll keep it on for a few weeks & see how I like
it if I don't it's going to be For Sale. Anyone want
it if I don't like it?
87 5ksq many mods original owner
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 pearl 02 S4 Avus 17's, Big brakes, Stebro
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I have had the Stebro system on my '90 for about 30k
miles. I bought the whole shebang, front, rear, both
front Euro resonators. It's throaty, but it sounds
great. My original exhaust needed a muffler, and it
sounded awful. I have purchased four Stebro systems.
One for my V8, one for my '87 5KQT, one for a URQ and
one for a BMW 6. They all sound like shit except for
the V8. Stebro service sucks, it takes forever to
receive your order. That's even acceptable, but every
time you call to find out where your system is, Dan
tells you it's either already shipped, or it's being
shipped tomorrow. I wouldn't mind the truth, but I
really hate paying the credit card bill a month or two
before I actually receive the product. I had a
Scorpion system on a customers V8, and it was so loud
the guy scrapped it. It sounded so bad that I would
not install it on my own car, even for free.
Last thought on Stebro, my two year old system on my
5K is going in the garbage this year. I have probably
put 1,500 miles on it. It has become tinny and loud,
and it sounds like a cheap Honda Civic exhaust. Dan
said he'd send me whatever it takes to fix it. First,
though, he's going to send me a silencer to go into
the rear exhaust tip. That was about 6 months ago.
Stebro and I are done. JPF
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