[V8] Re: 4.2 Service Intervals

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 9 20:14:27 EST 2004

Greg Johnson wrote:
> Shopping and the V8Q probably needs a few items.

Hehehehe. That's a good one.

Seriously, at 90K-ish miles, I'd make sure the timing belt
has been replaced. There are lots of things on a 14 year
old Audi V8 that won't show up in a service list but may
cause problems, such as steering racks leaking and worn
and automatic transmissions slipping due to leaking seals.

There is a (throwing modesty out the window) pretty 
good buyer's checklist on the Audifans web site:

'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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