[V8] Slipped Timing Belt

Paul Caouette pacdev at lycos.com
Wed Jan 7 11:02:03 EST 2004


The big Audi was acting up. My daughter took it out and she called to tell me that it had lost all its power. I went out to get it, dropped a can of BG44 (or some such name) and stated on the road home. On the drive back I let the RPMs climb a bit hoping that it might clear be injectors. In short order the car a) stumbled and coasted to a stop. Starter just spins the engine with no compression. Took off the cam belt cover and found a frayed belt still on the pulley but with almost all the teeth stripped.

Folks ar telling me it's toast! Three questions (Maybe four)

1. Is there any hope?

2. How do I check for a bent valve?

3. Ayy used V8s engines out there?

4. If we have a negative on 1 and 2 I will salvage her. Any takers or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Paul Caouette
Denver, Colorado
'83 TQC (240k), '89 200TWagon 189k,'90 90 20v 175k, '98 A4Wagon 110k, 92 V8 135k


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