[V8] So where is quattro weather?

Ryandfreise at aol.com Ryandfreise at aol.com
Thu Jan 15 22:06:44 EST 2004


Using the top of Mt. Washington isn't really a fair view of things. The folks 
that agree to stay up in the observatory are a little crazy. Down here closer 
to sea level we're at -13 feeling like -37. It's still pretty bad. My kitchen 
sink was frozen yesterday morning and the heat is fighting a losing battle 
(the house gets a degree or two colder each passing day).
    My grandfather lives down there in the land of sun and everytime we talk 
to him he just has to point out how nice it is "How's the weather? Oh it's 
snowing huh, yeah well I just came in from the pool he he."
    As for the quattro weather there hasn't been much yet this season, but 
give it another couple weeks, then I'll be the one having all the fun!! 

http://www.geocities.com/rally-man/TeamOReg.html  Rally-X january 31 at Team 


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