[V8] RE: TBelt Job in Las Vegas

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Jul 12 14:14:43 EDT 2004

"Campozano, Robert" <RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net> writes:

> Hi!  We did everything *but* the timing belt and all related parts.

> tear apart the dash this weekend...any suggestions on what to look 
> for and use to resolve the issue?  I have seen numerous posts on the 
> list regarding this but do not have time to look it up in the archives.

Just look up Stabilant 22 or Craig and you should get some good posts. 
Basically you take the various boards out of the cluster, clean
connectors, add contact enhancer and as Audi says, installation is
reverse of removal.  

> here.  It would be great.  Anyone interested in doing a TBelt job in 
> the fall in Vegas?  I have all the parts and none of the skill...

Hmmm, I'm heading to Sin City with the wife next Monday for a week.  I
think the wife would know something was up if she notices my Hazet
Assistant being checked in with our luggage....  She's already a "weekend
Audi widow" as it is,  with 6 Audi's in the fleet  (I added another V8Q
for those keeping count, the family is ready to send out the men in the
white coats..;-)  

The timing belt really isn't a job that requires alot of experience, it
requires alot of patience and it's a more of a PITA type of job than a
head scratcher.  If you don't find anyone by the fall, I might take you
up on the offer, by then I'll have done the Tbelts on 2 of the V8Q's and
should have the short term memory warmed up.  

> minute great price and free shipping from Northside Imports, 

Northside does have some incredible prices on the expensive stuff, like S
car turbos etc.  Definitely worth getting a quote from them before buying
any dealer only items.


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