[V8] Supercharger injectors

CoultL at aol.com CoultL at aol.com
Fri Jul 23 17:43:57 EDT 2004

As I understand it, there are low impedance and high impedance  injectors.  
There are variation within these two classes but any high  impedance injector 
should work with the V8 ECU.  If you are  still worried about frying the ECU 
you can install a resistor to match the  new injectors impedance to that of the 
V8's stock injectors...that is, of  course, only if the impedance of the new 
injector is lower than that  of the stock V8 injector.  They sell resistors 
made specifically for this  purpose.  You can buy a set of nearly new Ford 19lb 
injectors on  ebay for very cheap as the demand is for the higher flow units.  
The  injectors should psychically fit our car but I have never tried it.   
Here is a link to an injector data table that includes our injectors:

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