[V8] "Major Surging"

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Jul 27 10:39:36 EDT 2004

Mike - be sure to specify a very low wattage bulb - such as an instrument panel
bulb (< 1 watt). Better yet would be two different color LEDs connected opposite
polarity to each other with the appropriate dropping resistor. If you draw to
much power from the ECU you could destroy it.

Even better still would be to enable the in-dash "MIL" or "Check Engine Light".
If you do this, all you need to read codes is a jumper wire.


Quoting Michael Larosa Jr <Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM>:

> Try this, these are my old notes on surging....
> Mike LaRosa
> ex multi V8 owner...
> Grab a standard automotive single pole 12v light bulb (Like one of the
> rear light bulbs or something similar) solder a wire to the side and
> one to the bottom.  Or cobble something together like I did and
> simply wrap the wire around it and tape :-)  Black plastic electrical
> tape is acceptable here :-)
> You know have a VAG 1551.... or close enough.. for today's lesson. :-)

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