[V8][ADMIN] No Mail Flag ...

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Wed Jun 23 13:10:36 EDT 2004

First off, my apologies for not seeing any messages from you Brad ... but I
thought I would post this response to make sure anyone else who might suffer
a similar fate in the future will know what to do ...

While I do admin this list, I also have a real job and family
responsibilities, so I can't devote a lot of time to the task.  It takes
enough of my time just to clean out all of the spam and virus messages that
the server holds for moderation ... perhaps a real message was lost in that
process ... once again, my apologies ... 

One of the nice things about the list server we have (mailman) is that
pretty much everything can be handled via self service ... i.e. you can go
to a web page and take care of issues that arise due to things like bounces.

All list members should be very clear on the fact that the server does *NOT*
unsubscribe anyone unless it sees a number of hard failures ... the first
(and typically only) action that is taken is that it sets the "No Mail" flag
for the account that is bouncing.  This means that the account is still
subscribed and posts can be made without moderation, but mail delivery to
the account is disabled.  Many people (myself included) deliberately set
this flag on accounts so that they can post messages from them without
receiving posts or digests there.  

What appears to have happened in this instance was that the server got a
bounce from your account and set the "No Mail" flag to stop delivery.  You
were still subscribed, and that is why you got the messages you did when you
tried to *re*subscribe.  This is not a bug.  What you should have done was
to go to the server:


At the bottom of the page you will see a section with a heading reading "V8
Subscribers" ... and in the bottom of the section you'll see a text box with
a button to the right that reads "Unsubscribe or edit options" ... type in
your e-mail address and push the button.  From there, enter your password in
the box and push the "Log In" button below it ... if you forgot your
password push the "Remind" button at the bottom of the page.  At the bottom
of the options page you'll see an area where there are a bunch of grey boxes
... the top-most one says "Mail Delivery" ... if it indicates it is
disabled, push the "enable" button and then the "Save Options" button at the
bottom of the page.  

I must also note that I've seen bounce messages from AOL that indicate that
the delivery of mail was refused by AOL because it was determined to be some
sort of spam ... no resetting of the "No Mail" flag will get the posts
delivered to you in that instance.  As a test I just re-enabled delivery and
I'll specifically look for that sort of a message from the server in your
case ... 

Steve B
Audifans V8 listmeister
> First of all, this is Brad Hartman, long-time member of the 
> V8 list.  I had
> to resubscribe under a different email address because I 
> became unsubscribed
> some time ago when my mailbox became full.  All attempts to 
> resubscribe were
> fruitless because it said I was already a registered member, 
> but then I
> could never get the digests again.  I reported this bug to 
> the webmaster
> some time ago but have not received a reply.

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