[V8] distributor rotors (and Caps)

Jeremy Ward jward at mti-interactive.com
Tue Mar 23 18:54:24 EST 2004

Here's what I found from an old email that Cobram sent out:
There are two rotors used on the V8Q's, you have to visually check to
match it up.

Bosch 04 214 has the set screw hole and is black in color (shared with
the Yugo of all cars)

Bosch 04 310 is the "push on-glued on rotor"  also listed as 1234332399,
burnt orange color

The GTI16V Bosch rotor (052 905 225C and 04170) is the same one found on
a large number of Audi/VW 4 and 5 cylinder models from 1984-1999.  I
don't know how good a substitute it is, but for the extra $10 I'd opt
for the original V8Q Bosch call number.

The 04038 you cited is a BMW application.


- Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of S_Matus
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:58 AM
To: V8
Subject: [V8] distributor rotors (and Caps)

With the recent talk about rotors -
I seem to remember that someone had sourced the rotors from a VW Golf
application and paid about $5.00 for each rotor.  Does anyone know
(First Hand) that this swap does work?  Can you supply a Bosch / VW part
number?  I'm assuming these are the slip-on type.
What is the chaepest source for the Distributor Caps? Good quality of

Scott Matus
2 - 90 V8s

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