[V8] Climate Control blower motor revival
Ed Kellock
ekellock at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 24 12:03:26 EST 2004
Here's a recent post which covers it in excellent detail...
From: "Campozano, Robert" <RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net>
Date: 2004/03/24 Wed AM 09:26:55 MST
To: "V8 List (E-mail)" <v8 at audifans.com>
Subject: [V8] Climate Control Grinding/Machine Gun/Bearings???
I apologize if I am rehashing something that may have already been
discussed or is in the archives. This morning, my climate control (A/C)
started making a grinding/rubbing noise. It sounds like something
spinning and bearings binding...I live in Las Vegas and *YOU CANNOT LIVE
WITHOUT A/C HERE!!!* Please help. I know there was some kind of
instruction on spraying WD40 somewhere but if someone could give me some
really good detail on what to do I would really appreciate it. I am not
mechanically inclined (but the heart is willing) so please keep that in
mind. Thanks for any help in this matter.
Take care,
1990 3.6L V8 Auto
Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
Tel: 702-891-7626 | rcampozano at MGMMirage.net
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