[V8] Hall Sensor/Distributor

lyddall at netzero.com lyddall at netzero.com
Sat Mar 20 18:47:46 EST 2004

Just finished replacing the steering rack on the V8.  What a delightful job!!  Anyway, I took off the right distributor to improve accessability and somewhere in the process broke the hall sensor.  It disintigrated and I have managed to get it all out of the distributor but now need to replace the distributor/sensor.  

Any suggestions on where to get a good price on one?

Also, the car is currently running really rough - I am assuming that this is caused by the lack of the sensor.

While I was out playing with the tools I decided to change the timing belt on my wife's '96 A6.  WOW - it is about the easiest job I have ever done on a car.  If only the V8 was as easy to work on.


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