[V8] Climate Control revitalization

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 24 18:41:43 EST 2004

I read thru all the intervening emails and would like to see if I can clarify things for you, assuming you need that.

The blower that blows air through the dash, etc. vents into the cabin is under the cowling at the base of the windshield.  I think you've got that all sorted.

The aspirator is a tiny little thing under the dash that sucks air in from that little vent in the middle of the dash.  It is not directly under that vent though and as others said, you can't lubricate the aspirator by spraying anything in that vent.  The dash top (crash pad or whatever someone else called it) has to come off, which is not terrible, but not fun to do either.  

The clunk and squeak from the engine compartment is most likely the a/c compressor engaging.  Mine does that only when the car has sat for a while.  

If you have no air blowing through the vents into the car, then you have an issue with the blower under the cowling cover at the base of the windshiled.  If you have airflow, but it's not cold, you might have an issue with your a/c compressor or clutch.  The worst that the aspirator can do is annoy the hell out of you and ultimately not draw air to sample for the automatic climate control, which I would guess would cause the CC to think it was way hotter than it is and it would run full blast all the time.

If you go after the blower, you do all that stuff to gain access to it and then the hose you need to remove is pretty plainly visible more to the driver's side of that area.  I've been periodically treating both my V8 and my '89 200 to a WD40 bath for over 4 years and they still seem to be pretty happy.  Sometimes I use electical contact cleaner in addition to WD40, but they seem to be happiest if WD40 is the last treatment they receive.  The smell doesn't linger long enough to be an issue.


From: "Campozano, Robert" <RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net>
Date: 2004/03/24 Wed PM 12:41:11 MST
To: "Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC" <Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil>
CC: V8 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V8] Climate Control Grinding/Machine Gun/Bearings???

Thanks for the help everyone.  How long should this take to do?  I have
my lunch bring soon and I was going to try to do it then...is 1 hour
enough time??? And is using just WD40 good enough or should I use the
"electro-wash" mentioned in the archive info that Ed suggested???
Thanks again,

Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
Tel:  702-891-7626 | rcampozano at MGMMirage.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC
[mailto:Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:02 AM
To: Campozano, Robert
Cc: 'V8 at audifans.com'
Subject: RE: [V8] Climate Control Grinding/Machine Gun/Bearings???

Sounds like my V8 from about two months ago. I replaced the fan, which
pretty easy to do(with a helper). However, if you wanted to spray WD-40,
heres what you would do.
1. Take off the wipers(13 mm).
2. Take off the rubber gasket on the front of the plastic cover for the
cowling(between the engine and the windshield.
3. Take the plastic cowling cover off.
4. Look down in the cowling and see the heater assy in the center. On
drivers side of it is the motor. There will be a few wires and an A/C
covering it a little.
5. There is a rubber plug about 2 inches from the drivers side end of
motor, on the plastic blower housing. 
6. Take that out, and spray the WD in there.  
7. Reassemble it: plug,plastic cover, rubber gasket, wipers.

You may also have to pull the A/C line up- it has a clamp with a 10 mm
right by the master cylinder where it goes through the cowl.
Tony Hoffman

-----Original Message-----
From: Campozano, Robert [mailto:RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net] 
Sent: 24-Mar-2004 10:27 AM
To: V8 List (E-mail)
Subject: [V8] Climate Control Grinding/Machine Gun/Bearings???

I apologize if I am rehashing something that may have already been
or is in the archives.  This morning, my climate control (A/C) started
making a grinding/rubbing noise.  It sounds like something spinning and
bearings binding...I live in Las Vegas and *YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT A/C
HERE!!!*  Please help.  I know there was some kind of instruction on
spraying WD40 somewhere but if someone could give me some really good
on what to do I would really appreciate it.  I am not mechanically
(but the heart is willing) so please keep that in mind.  Thanks for any
in this matter.

Take care,


1990 3.6L V8 Auto


Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)

Tel:  702-891-7626 | rcampozano at MGMMirage.net


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