[V8] fuel pump

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 26 16:30:24 EST 2004

 Get a Pierburge pump PLEASE. Sound convincing
 My experience is that most of Bosch products are made
or rebuilt in other country's other than Germany & are
made like shit.
 A Pierburge pump is made in Germany & will last twice
as long as a Bosch pump made in the Czech Rep..
 I have Pierburge pumps in my 5ksq & 200tqa for over a
year now & no noise or buzzing at all. I'll do my V8
with one as soon as it needs it. The part # for the
pump is 98172 cost me $170 last year. Same pump as in
my 5ksq & the 200tqa.
 Hope this helps
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 pearl 89k 02 S4 Avus 17's, Porsche "Big Reds",
Stebro exhaust

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