[V8] Electrical Problems....and Water Leaks

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Sat Mar 27 17:35:13 EST 2004


Sorry about your problems.  At first I was going to say bad ignition switch,
but your a-pillar wetness description makes the first assumption less
likely.  First step would be to get the car out of the wet.  Then I'd pop up
the hood to make sure that the drain behind the firewall on the passenger
side isn't clogged with leaves or other such debris and then I'd disconnect
the battery, open all the doors,place a fan pointed directly at the fuse
block/relay area and run that overnight.  Then see if the symptoms are gone.

Having someone run water over the windshield to look for leaks would be my
next step.  Others are sure to chime in with more suggestions.

HTH for now.

'91 200q20v...Slightly modified
'84 Urquattro
'91 v8q 5-speed w/ lots of mods :-)

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