[V8] Hood latch proceedure for broken latch wire??
Lorberg, Gunter W.
lorbergg at HDH.KARI.NET
Wed Mar 31 02:17:17 EST 2004
Just did this a month ago..............with belly pan off, reach up from
underneath............can do one side at a time...........driver's side is
the easier one to begin with..........can reach the latch with a fully
outstretched arm by going up just lateral to the frame and the
'bomb'..........feel for the latch and press it towards the center of the
car..........the driver's side latch will release independent of the
passenger's side.
You can do more or less the same on the passenger's side but will need an
'extension' to your arm...........I used a wooden paint stirring
stick.........gently 'probe' around until you find the latch...........DO
NOT inadvertently apply force to the upper radiator vent plastic nipple that
feeds the
reservoir.........you could accidentally snap it off.
Can't think of any easier way to tackle the job. Plenty of lighting will
1990 V8
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Hamren" <dan at magnitude-electronics.com>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 9:19 PM
Subject: [V8] Hood latch proceedure for broken latch wire??
> Well, I am stumped on this one. I usually take a coat hanger and try to
release the hood through the grill. I am afraid that there is a nice hard
radiator in the way. Does anyone know how to release the hood after the
wire has broken?
> Dan Hamren
> 1990 V8 133k
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